30 Jun Sporting Round Up Summer 2 2023
Sporting Round Up June – SO MUCH SPORT!
Netball @ Weston Park School
On 9th June we travelled to Weston Park School for our annual Netball fixture. Weston Park are one of the best in the borough at Netball and it’s their speciality. In the big A-team match, it was super close with Weston Park going 1—0 up only for Lottie to pull it back in the 2nd half to gain a draw finishing 1-1. Our B-team lost a close game 2-1 but there was little between the sides. It was played in fantastic spirit and we look forward to welcoming them to our school in the near future.
Netball Team: Lottie, Iris, Layla, Ffion, Reuben, Abu, Dieumerci, Makayla, Debbie, Daniah-Lea, Waverley, Julian, Fefe, Dominic,
Bike-ability Cycle Training Week
From the 12th June onwards 24 students from Year 5 completed their level 2 Bike-ability course. The students developed a range of cycling skills building up towards the final day where they learned to cycle on the streets outside of school. Rogan, our cycling coach, was super impressed and all 24 achieved their certificate! Well done all. In 2024 Year 4 will complete their level 1 and Year 5 will complete level 2.
Bike-ability Level 2 cyclists: Alex, Bejan, Christian, Ella, Ihab, Isabelle, Joseph, Kayla, Murilo, Rico, Safaa, Tayliah, Adam, Adela, Belen, Bertie, Daniah-Lea, Kaan, Lilia, Na’rae, Noah, Safia, Triston and Waverley
UNICEF Obstacle Week!
As part of our Rights Respecting Agenda we signed up to the UNICEF Playground Challenge! Every single child and every single class took part during their PE lessons to help create and completed an obstacle assault course whilst raising money for UNICEF. It was a super fun week as children competed in their houses to complete some very creative courses! Winners of each year group received 50 house points and runners up received 25! Well done to all those involved.
Y5-6 Girls Cricket Festival
On 28th June we participated in the Girls Cricket Festival. This is less competitive than the official competitions and focuses on participation and enjoyment! It was a fantastic day with some brilliant cricket skills on show and excellent team spirit. The children’s understanding of cricket really improved throughout the day with some top fielding, bowling and batting on display.
Girls Cricket Team: Ceyda, Karis, Penelope, Adela, Debbie, Waverley, Daniah-Lea, Lena, Lilia
Y5-6 Boys Cricket Festival
Unfortunately this has been postponed due to the rain but we hope to get a new date in before the end of term.
Boys Cricket Team: Joseph, Christian, Jack, Max, Triston.C, Adrian D, Murilo, Yuen
Silver Medal for St Mary’s at the Y5 Mixed Football Cup!
This summer football cup is usually two tournaments, boys and girls. However, this year it was run as a mixed event which I really encouraged and enjoyed. The boys and girls worked brilliantly together showing outstanding team spirit! We won 6 games and drew 2 which put us in the Final where we narrowly lost on a penalty shoot-out after drawing the game. The children did outstandingly well and it was great to see girls and boys working so well together and should be proud of their silver medal.
Mixed football team: Zephaniah, Max, Triston C, Joseph, Christian, Harri, Debbie, Daniah-Lea, Lena
Thank you to Mrs Day for coming along to support.
Final Round of the Haringey Cycling League
We thought it was over but there was one last round of the cycling league! It’s been our best year ever for cycling with over 30 children representing the school in cycling competitions this year. Once again we had some fantastic results with Dominic, Reuben, Zahara and Amelia the stand out performers. We haven’t seen the final league table but we’re hoping to achieve a top 3 finish and win some much deserved medals. Well done to these competitors and all those who’ve raced in the Haringey Cycling League this year!
Cycling team: Dominic, Abu, Reuben, Tyler, Eli, Amelia, Zahara, Lottie, Eylyul, Isabelle P
Thank you to Mme Baker for coming along to support.
St Marys Teams up with Hornsey Cricket Club!
Hornsey Cricket Club gave us the opportunity to send some of our children to their club for expert cricket coaching through the Dynamos and All-Star Cricket Coaching Programme. Maria (Hornsey Cricket Club) sent us an email offering feedback on our children….
“I had the pleasure of meeting some of your students on Friday evening, and they are absolutely lovely. I was so impressed with their skills and knowledge of cricket”
Felt very proud reading that email and the children should feel proud too!