See below for the key focus areas for improvement for St Mary’s throughout 2023-24. Each term, the headteacher organises a Parent and Carer coffee morning to outline and discuss the progress made towards achieving what the school has set out to do.
The Quality of Education
Fully embed the school’s curriculum framework so that planning, provision and assessment in all subjects from Early Years to the end of Key Stage 2, meets and/or exceeds national curriculum requirements.
Improve the quality of writing so that a greater proportion of children achieve ARE & greater depth in all year groups.
To continue to improve the quality of education for SEND and EAL children to ensure that their individual learning needs are securely met to allow for strong progress from starting points.
To enhance and further develop communication and oracy throughout the school.
Behaviour & Attitudes/Personal Development
Improve attendance and punctuality so that it is at least in line with national average figures
Leadership and Management
To further strengthen the school’s leadership capacity following the appointment of a new headteacher and new school governors
To further build a highly effective Early Years Team
To strategically plan for the long term future and sustained success of St Mary’s
To achieve a successful SIAMs outcome – Judgement 1
Develop opportunities to expand and strengthen and Home/School links
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