Dear Parents/Carers,
It has been another couple of very busy weeks at St Mary’s!
Christian Aid Fundraising and Cultural Diversity Day
Thank you to you and your children for taking part in Cultural Diversity Day by wearing or bringing into school items that gloriously represent the diverse make-up of our school community, when for example, we celebrated the fact that 44 languages are spoken across our school. In doing so, you successfully managed to raise lots of money for Christian Aid, with a specific focus on supporting communities in Zimbabwe who are suffering from drought and very little food and water. Naomi, from the Church Team will send us our total soon, and we will let you know. Particular thanks to Jaidah in Year 6 who singularly raised in excess of £70!
Year 5 Trip to Paris
After not being able to lead the annual Year 5 trip to Paris over the past two years, this year, we were once again able to offer this exciting experience to so many of our children, including a number of Year 6 children. Children had the most wonderful day enjoying all things Parisien, including meeting their French pen-pals, taking in the sights of Paris, enjoying a voyage along the River Seine and purchasing a crepe! Thank you Madame Baker for being putting together the most wonderful day for all of the children and staff.
See the post below for lots of wonderful photos.
Platinum Jubilee Picnic
Yesterday, we all had fun outside the Church Tower next to our Church Land site taking part in a whole school ‘Jubilee picnic’. Children were able to have lunch with their friends, take part in a number of games and show-off the work that they have been doing linked to the decade that they have been learning about. Notably, this event was about celebrating the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you Mrs Molloy for organising such a fun day.
Scarlet Class Assembly
Scarlet Class performed a fabulous assembly on Tuesday and taught us all about popular tourist destinations and coastal processes linked to the impact that tourists have on the environment. They did this in such a fun and creative way! Thank you children!
Walk to School Week
Also, thinking about the impact of our behaviour on the environment, this week we have been focusing on walking, cycling or scooting to school, in line with the Haringey ‘Walk to School Week’ initiative. We not only want fewer cars on the street, we want all of our children to be more active and ever fitter!
Athletics Success
There are some very fit children in our school, evident from such fabulous performances at recent Haringey athletics events where our school teams in Years 5 & 6 finished 2nd and 3rd in two separate competitions. This was a super performance given the number of other schools that took part (approximately 28!). Well done children and thank you Mr Oakley and Mr Alison for your ongoing efforts in promoting sport, PE, physical activity and competitions throughout our school.
Parents’ and School’s Association (PSA) Support
Our PSA do an amazing job to raise so much money to enable your children to access lots of fun and creative activities that are above and beyond what our school is able to provide. For example, the PSA paid for the pantomime trip for the juniors and a show for the infants at Christmas and this term, they have provided all classes with £300 to go towards a summer trip experience for your child. However, they cannot do this alone and they are in desperate need of additional support from you, our parent community. Therefore, if you can lend any support in terms of time and energy to help fund raise, please email or contact the school office who will provide you with details of the PSA. The summer fair is just round the corner (Saturday 2nd July, from 12-3pm at Church Lane) and much support is needed with this. Thank you!
Next week is half-term week. I wish you a wonderfully relaxing time and much fun with your children. We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Tuesday 7th June. Do remember that Monday is an INSET (Staff Training Day).
With very best regards,
Calvin Henry