Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to the second half-term of the autumn term. I hope that you and your children had a good break last week and made the most of the lovely weather.
Parent Consultation Meetings – Next Week Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th November
Do remember that next week will be Parent Consultation Meetings with your child’s class teacher. At these meetings, you will have an opportunity to discuss the progress that your child is making as well as seeing examples of their work. If you have yet to sign up, please refer to the email sent by the admin team. We will also be asking you to complete a survey, specifically relating to safeguarding. Paper copies of these will be outside your child’s classroom. We will greatly appreciate you completing a survey; the findings of which will lead to future improvements as/if required.
Parent Governor Elections
Please remember that this coming Monday is the closing date for the parent governor elections. If you have yet to get your ballot paper into school, please do so by then. Our school’s returning officer, Helen Hutchings will inform you of the result of the election next week.
School Photographer next week Wednesday 9th November
The school photographer will be visiting St Mary’s next week Wednesday to take both individual and family group photographs of your children. If your child has PE on that day and usually comes into school in their PE kit, can you please make an exception and get them to bring their PE kit into school instead. Naturally, we want all of our children to look as smart as possible.
Bonfire Night Tomorrow – Be careful out there!
If you are visiting the Bonfire Night at school tomorrow night, please remember that this is a ticket only event and we will not be admitting anyone into school if they have not previously purchased a ticket. Do have much fun and my thanks as ever to the PSA for being so brilliantly organised. Thank you also to the PSA for funding a range of music workshops at our school from next week onwards.
School Progress Coffee Morning – Thursday 10th November 9.10am at Church Lane.
Next week Thursday at Church Lane, and in conjunction with my senior leadership team, I will be leading a coffee morning for parents to discuss key aspects of school improvement this year. This will include what we are doing as a result of our Ofsted inspection report. Do please come along to this meeting if you are able to.
From this half-term onwards, coffee mornings will be held at least fortnightly and be led by school staff to discuss and inform parents about our school’s provision in a range of areas, such as for example, our approach to teaching phonics or what we are doing to further develop and improve respectful relationships across the curriculum.
We will also be re-starting English language lessons for parents, led by Steph Clarke, one of our Higher Level Teaching Assistants….further details forthcoming.
Wishing you a restful weekend,
Calvin Henry