06 Nov Celebrating Black History Month – Steel Pans at RG, African Drumming at CL + Performance Poetry at RG

Celebrating Black History Month – Steel Pans at Rectory Gardens + Performance Poetry
Shareen Gray from the Steel Pan Agency came to Rectory Gardens on Friday 3rd November to show and teach the children how to play the steel pans. She started with an assembly that had everybody dancing and singing and then the classes went one by one to the hall to learn the basics – what the different sections of the band are called, how to hold the sticks, different techniques of playing and how to make a harmonious sound. The children were captivated and thoroughly enjoyed their sessions. Thank you so much Shareen.
On Friday 10th November each Rectory Garden class performed a piece of performance poetry including A Portable Paradise by Roger Robinson FIND OUT MORE , The British by Benjamin Zephaniah CLICK HERE TO LISTEN,Hey Black Child by Countee Cullen CLICK HERE TO READ, and The River by Valerie Bloom CLICK HERE TO READ. The children set an incredibly high standard and were clear and passionate in their delivery.
Learning African Drumming
On Tuesday the children at Church Lane were very excited to work with Ronald who gave them all a lesson in African drumming. The children had the opportunity to do some African drumming. They learnt to play the djembe drum and learnt that this type of drum can make 3 sounds. They had a great time exploring African drumming, where they learned traditional African nursery rhymes and practiced various rhythms. The children also learned and performed a poem by a Black poet.
‘I loved banging the drums’ Eddie – Duckling Class
‘I liked learning the nursery rhymes and then playing the drums to them’ Chelsea – Marigold Class
‘I liked following the teaches pattern’ Erin – Buttercup Class