12 Jun Children of the Week – w/e 09 06 23 & 16 06 23
Christian Values of the week: 09/06/23 - Wisdom (making right decisions/treating others fairly & 16/06/23 - Wisdom linking to truth & kindness...
Christian Values of the week: 09/06/23 - Wisdom (making right decisions/treating others fairly & 16/06/23 - Wisdom linking to truth & kindness...
Christian Values of the week: 19/05/23 - Love linking to Compassion, Hope & Friendship & 26/05/23 - Spirituality linking to Pentecost & Hope...
Christian Values of the week: 05/05/23 - Diversity linking to Community & 13/05/23 - Love linking to Compassion & Friendship...
Christian Values of the week: 21/04/23 - Self-Worth linked to Endurance + 28/3/23 - Self-Worth linked to Endurance & Hope in God & Others...
Children of the Week - w/e 24 03 23...
Christian Values of the week: 10/3/23 - Endurance + 17/3/23 - Wisdom...
Christian Values of the week: 20/2/23 Friendship + 27/2/23 Endurance...
Christian Values of the week: 3/2/23 + 10/2/23...
Christian Values of the week: 13/01/23...
Christian Values of the week: 13/01/23...