Nursery |
In nursery we have been very busy learning about pets. We have focused on the story ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell, talking about the difference between wild animals and pets, and having so much fun playing in our Veterinary Surgery. In maths we have been practising our number recognition and sizes, hunting numbers in the classroom, building towers and putting numbers in order on a number line. During the second week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year! The children have been taking part in lots of lovely activities and learning about Chinese culture; decorating lanterns, fans, making masks of the animals in the zodiac and Chinese calligraphy. |
Reception |
In English, the children have been really enjoying retelling our story ‘Juniper Jupiter’ both by singing the story song and drawing key events. In the story, the little girl is a superhero who is looking for a sidekick so she won’t be lonely, and we are now beginning a new unit on letter writing so that children can write to her and say how they could help her. In maths, we had lots of fun learning about mass and capacity. We used balance scales to compare the mass of different objects, and estimated and measured the capacity of different containers using scoops and coloured rice. In RE, we have been learning about the parable of The Lost Sheep, which Christians believe Jesus told to illustrate how all people are special to God. In PE with Mr Oakley, children are really enjoying their gymnastics lessons and are beginning to show off some of their new skills on the equipment. |
Year 1 |
This week, in English we have been learning to use the prefix un-, adjectives, plurals, ! and ? to create sentences about the problem and ending in our Hermelin story. In maths we have been working on number bonds to 10 and 20, doubles and near doubles using our concrete resources. In RE, we continue to explore Hinduism. This week we have investigated Hindu Shrines in the home by watching videos and creating one in our classroom and thinking about what we would put on a shrine through drawing, painting and building. In science, we continue to investigate animals and this week we have been describing different animals through thinking about their body parts, where they live and what they eat. In geography, we have begun making maps of our local area which we will use next week to explore the area. In DT we are making windmills from paper, pins and straws. We continue to learn our phonics sounds, including split digraphs, our high frequency words, practise reading real and nonsense words and read with an adult every day. |
Year 2 |
This fortnight, the year 2’s have been working really hard! We have been learning all about money in maths – such as how to count money in pence and pounds, and how much change would be given after buying things. In English, we have been analysing more of the Bog Baby story so that we can plan our writing. In history, we are learning about important historical figures and the impact they have had on the world, such as Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart. In science, we have been learning about the different habitats and microhabitats of various animals and insects – especially ones we can find around the school. In RE, we have been learning about why Jesus told stories and how these stories can help guide us in our lives. In ICT, we have been using Chrome Music Lab to create different rhythms and tunes, to then share them with our friends. We have been having a lot of fun and look forward to seeing their progress! |
Year 3 |
We are continuing our unit of Length and Perimeter in maths and have compared, added and subtracted length whilst still converting in cm and mm. We’ve also been measuring and calculating perimeter In history, we are building on the knowledge we learnt from the Horniman Museum and have been discussing how we can learn from artifacts discovered in Ancient Egypt, looking specifically at Howard Carter’s discovery and all about Hierogylphs. The children even made their own messages! In coding the children identified patterns in code that could be replaced with a loop. They developed critical thinking skills by looking for patterns of repetition in the movements of classmates and determined how to simplify those repeated patterns using loops. |
Year 4 |
In English, the children have completed their myth narrative based on Arthur and the Golden Rope. We have enjoyed using our imagination and learning more about myths along the way. In maths, we have learnt to solve multiplication problems using the formal method and have experimented with a variety of ways to solve division problems. We challenged ourselves with using the formal method for division and solving problems with a remainder. In RE, we have started our new topic of whether fame and Christianity go together. We have also enjoyed learning about how to think of ways to achieve our goals in PSHE, and how to make a plan and build resilience when we don’t succeed the first time. The children continue to learn about the effect of earthquakes and have designed a building that will stay intact after discussing features of buildings in cities prone to earthquakes around the world. We are looking forward to our school trip to the Natural History Museum on Friday where will learn even more facts about natural disasters. |
Year 5 |
We have begun a new unit of writing based on the classic mystery story ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ in English and the children have loved the graphic novel, full of dark imagery, and we are keen to read more and solve the dark secrets of the moor! In maths we have made excellent progress multiplying numbers using the grid method and progressed to the expanded column method. This week, we have even been multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. In addition, we answered reasoning and problems solving questions and continued to become fluent with our times tables. We have begun our topic on living things and reproduction in science. We had a very interesting practical lesson where we planted some young plants that had reproduced asexually. We also examined and cut up flowers and labelled the different reproductive parts. |
Year 6 |
In Year 6, we have begun looking at how to utilise formal language in order to help us create a well-structured award speech during our English lessons. In maths, we have completed our unit on decimals and will carry these skills forward, showing the children how these skills can assist them with understanding percentages. We have looked at the Buddhist Eight-Fold Path’ during our RE lessons to illustrate to the children how Buddhists try to live their lives with the right mindset, actions and speech while in our history lessons we have investigated locations in our near London which were important during World War 2. Meanwhile, in our PE lessons, carrying on from our PSHE lesson looking at the Paralympics, we have introduced the children to ‘sit down volleyball’. Both classes have been sent home with new homework task books (revision books) to assist with revision in the build up towards SATs. They are to only complete the pages listed on the homework/spelling sheet within their homework books. |