Good attendance and punctuality are important life skills which help our children learn.
We have a well developed Attendance and Punctuality Policy that parents and carers should be aware of – see downloads section below. We all know that good attendance and punctuality supports children’s learning outcomes at all stages of their school life. Good attendance and punctuality are also important life skills. Therefore, please make every effort to get your child into school, on time, every day. If they come to school by themselves, please impress upon them the importance of arriving on time and how it will help their own and the learning of others. We expect at least 96% attendance, and 100% punctuality rates and are committed to meeting our obligations with regards to school attendance.
We work with our new partner, SEWS (Synergy Education & Welfare Company) – see more details here Introducing SEWS to parents & parents
Education lays the vital foundations of a child’s life. Regular and punctual attendance at school is key to both academic and social development, which in turn will improve the life chances of children and young people.
90% attendance over a school year = ½ school day missed every week!
Parents and carers have a legal duty to ensure that their children attend school regularly and punctually in order to optimise their learning, achieve the best they can and get the most out of their school experience. Failure to do so is an offence under section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996.
If a child is registered at a school they must, by law, attend that school regularly and punctually. Children should only miss school if they are ill or unable to attend for some other unavoidable reason.
At St Mary’s we believe attendance is a shared responsibility, involving the whole school community and local community. We will work with families to early identify the reasons for poor attendance and try to resolve any difficulties.
When a child is absent from school without prior permission, parents/carers should inform the school by telephone on the first day of absence by 8.45am and every day thereafter to give the reason for absence.
To report an absence, you should call the school office on 0208 340 4898 and then choose option 1 RG/option 2 CL.
Parents/carers cannot authorise absences and should be aware that either calling the school or providing a note for an absence does not automatically mean it will be authorised.
Therefore, absences will be treated as unauthorised unless a satisfactory explanation is given to the school.
There may be some circumstances where the school will authorise absence such as:
Most cases of absence due to illness are short term, but parents/carers will need to make a phone call to alert the school on each day of absence, unless notified otherwise. If your child is absent for more than three days the school will require medical evidence such as a note from the child’s doctor, an appointment card or a prescription paper.
Parents/carers should make every effort to ensure these appointments are made outside of school hours. Where it cannot be avoided, pupils should attend school for as much of that day as possible. Parent/carers should show the appointment card or hospital letters/text messages to the main office so that the absence can be authorised.
These are absences which the school does not consider reasonable and for which “leave” of absence has not been given. This also includes where the school is not informed of why a child is absent. Some examples of this type of absence include:
Parents/carers should ensure that family holidays and any term time leave are arranged outside of school term time. Parents/carers should not remove their child from school during term time without having first filled in a leave of absence form in advance. (Form can be obtained from the main reception or on the school website.)
All requests for authorised absence will be responded to and will only be authorised in the most extreme circumstances. If permission is not granted, but the pupil is still absent, the absence is classed as unauthorised and parents/carers may be issued with a penalty notice.
After the school gate opens, all children are expected to be in their classroom for the register and for the start of lessons. Children arriving into the classroom after the start of the school day, will be marked as present but arriving late (L). The registers are marked and then checked by the main office.
If your child arrives after the registers have closed, and in accordance with regulations, your child will receive a mark that shows that they are on site, but this will not count as a present mark and it will mean that they have an unauthorised absence (U).
As part of our whole-school approach to maintaining high attendance, we request that parents/carers:
Following Government legislation, we are unable to authorise requests for holidays during term time. A referral could be made to Haringey LA, which could result in legal proceedings, including for example a FPN and/or court action being taken. Unauthorised absence would be 10 or more sessions over 10 days over a period of 10 weeks. If parents/carers are issued with a penalty notice, each parent must pay £80 within 21 days or £160 within 28 days. The payment is made directly to the local authority.
Please be advised that leave of absence in term time is not a right and will only be granted under exceptional circumstances. Each case is considered individually; however, leave will not usually be granted if your child already has low attendance or the leave adversely affects your child’s education and ability to achieve. Also your child may be removed from the school roll meaning you would have to re-apply for a place.
Please see the form attached and information on Fixed Penalty Notices.
We will share data with external agencies that support school with their duty to safeguard children and ensure they can flourish. An example of this is the child’s attendance data.
Attendance and Punctuality Policy
School Nursing Team Minor Illness and School Attendance Booklet