In these financially constrained times, the school appreciates all forms of parental and community support and donations.
Our governors recently wrote to families asking for continued financial support. If you would like to support the school by making a one-off or regular month payment, please see below.
Voluntary Contribution Letter
Termly standing order:
The easiest way contribute to the fund is to set up a termly standing order with your bank. You can do so through your online bank account, using the following details:
Lloyds Bank
Acc no: 05722500
Sort Code: 30-99-86
St Mary’s CE Primary School
If you are planning to donate, please notify the School Business Manager by email to This will greatly assist with auditing purposes.
Or you can send a cheque to one of the school offices in an envelope marked ‘School Business Manager’. Cheques should be made payable to St Mary’s CE Primary School and please write Voluntary Contribution and your name on the reverse of the cheque.
Other donations:
If you would be interested in making a one-off and/or larger donation, or have any contacts with businesses or
funding organisations who might be interested in helping the school directly, please use the same bank details
and also get in touch with the School Business Manager.
All contributions are completely confidential. However big or small, they are all gratefully appreciated and will be put to good use.