14 Jan Children of the Week – 21st Jan 2022
Posted at 15:21h
in Children of the week
Christian Values of the week: Endurance & Wisdom
Each week, two children from each class are identified and celebrated for being Stars of the Week for their class. One for demonstrating the Christian Value of the week and the other for any other great reason.
Class | Name/s |
Reason |
R Duckling | Tamirah | Christian Value | For super progress in reading – really trying hard |
Elif | Work/ Behaviour | For amazing progress in phonics | |
R Gosling | Tiana | Christian Value | For trying really hard with her reading even when she found it challenging |
Zayaan | Work/ Behaviour | For brilliant English work and better focus | |
Y1 Saffron | Kimberley | Christian Value | For working really hard on improving her reading |
Jani & Callum | Work/ Behaviour | For working really hard on improving their reading | |
Y1 Tangerine | Freya K | Christian Value | For being a really good friend to Lio |
Ela | Work/ Behaviour | For fantastic work in English | |
Y2 Buttercup | Ajay | Christian Value | For trying hard in really hard maths! |
Samuel | Work/ Behaviour | For the most outstanding week ever! | |
Y2 Marigold | Lya | Christian Value | For enduring and showing amazing focus this week |
Kairo | Work/ Behaviour | For working very hard on his handwriting | |
Y3 Emerald | Ada | Christian Value | For always endeavouring to improve her work and for her grit and determination in all that she does |
Ra | Work/ Behaviour | Welcome to St Mary’s! You have settled in so well and have been working hard in all lessons | |
Y3 Jade | Haidar | Christian Value | For endurance and always working hard on his tasks |
Rauhah | Work/ Behaviour | For her loud voice in rehearsal | |
Y4 Crimson | Hristina | Christian Value | For persevering and always trying her best to complete her work |
Ilirian | Work/ Behaviour | For being a mathematician! He has done so well this week | |
Y4 Scarlet | Kayden | Christian Value | For taking constructive criticism and using it to improve his work |
Olivia | Work/ Behaviour | For always striving to do her best in all areas of her learning | |
Y5 Sapphire | The Whole Class | Christian Value | The whole class for demonstrating all values during a very ‘different’ week |
Daniel | Work/ Behaviour | For a fantastic attitude towards his work and great progress – especially with his presentation | |
Y5 Topaz | Jean | Christian Value | For her endurance and being patient in difficult times |
Dieumerci | Work/ Behaviour | For his excellent work in English | |
Y5 Turquoise | Yousra | Christian Value | Endurance in swimming; she was quite afraid to do a log roll but persevered and got there in the end! |
Khloe | Work/ Behaviour | For perseverance in catching up with her work after an period of absence | |
Y6 Amethyst | Neilesha | Christian Value | Neilesha faced challenges with her homework this week and also maths but passed with flying colours – a credit to her strength of character |
Nia | Work/ Behaviour | For outstanding effort in maths. You yourself could see the progress you’ve made | |
Y6 Indigo | Salihah | Christian Value | For showing endurance in all subjects – taking on her feedback and striving to improve |
Niah | Work/ Behaviour | For taking on new skills readily in English and applying them to her tasks | |
Y6 Violet | Maleek | Christian Value | For showing great resilience and working on his handwriting and coordination |
Milo | Work/ Behaviour | For continually making great progress in writing and being willing to try new language and punctuation | |
Sportsperson of the Week |
Y6 Leo Y6 Alexa |
Excellent performance at athletics competition + a positive attitude For effort + progress – excelling in sports this year, especially athletics |
Linguist of the Week |
Y6 Esther, Finn + Max
For achieving very good Language Magician results