29 Jan Art in St Mary’s Spring 1
Art in St Mary’s Spring 1
In Year 5 we have been making Rainforest compositions, using printmaking techniques and observational drawing skills.
We have explored the artwork ‘Surprised!’ by Henri Rousseau and studied animals, plants and leaves of the Rainforest.
Reception have been looking at paper sculpture artist Andy Singleton. We have developed our paper construction skills into more 3D structures
In Reception the children have been learning about Barbara Hepworth’s sculptures in our ‘Creation Station’ project. We have been exploring clay, learning how to shape it and manipulate the surface. We have also been making paper sculptures, finding ways to fold, join, and attach paper shapes to make 3D forms.
The children in Y2 have been learning about the work of Textile Designer, Althea McNish, for our topic ‘Our London’. They have been exploring mark making with charcoal and using expressive lines to draw plants.
In Y6 we have been learning about 4th Plinth sculptures. The children have been generating their own ideas for the ‘4th Plinth Schools Competition’ around themes important to them.