14 Jul Final Sporting Round Up Summer 2 2023
Final Sporting Round-Up
Velodrome Trip (3rd July)
After a fantastic year of cycling we were rewarded with a trip to Hearne Hill Velodrome, the oldest cycling race track in the UK! It’s an incredible venue that hosted the 1948 Olympics. The children learned how to ride on the specialist bikes that have no brakes and are designed for speed! After a track racing masterclass, the day finished with some mixed relay races. It was a fantastic day and a unique and memorable experience for the lucky children selected!
Rearranged Year 3-4 Cricket Comp (11th July)
On 11th July our year 3-4 cricket team played their first competition cricket matches! We did really well and the team learned so much during the day about tactics and rules and how to play competitive cricket! We won and lost which wasn’t quite enough to qualify for the semi-finals this year. Well done to all involved. Cricket is a sport we’re trying to develop at St Marys and I encourage all parents and children to check out the opportunities at our many local cricket clubs (Hornsey, Alexandra Palace, North Middlesex, Highgate)
Cricket Team: Charlie, Maria, Ada, Amina, Antowan, Lazaro, Jah’mai, Ed
Southgate Hockey Club Master Class!
Southgate Hockey Club kindly offered us 4 weeks of specialist hockey coaching and we gave that opportunity to year 4 and 6. Georgie (Hockey Coach) has been given the children weekly masterclasses in the technical aspects of field Hockey. They’ve made a great start and will enjoy these specialist sessions until the end of term. Check out Southgate Hockey Club for more opportunities.
Sports Day
In a slight change to the published plans, we held our Sports Day today in the Rectory Gardens playground – in the pouring rain. This didn’t dampen everyone’s spirits and the children took part with enthusiasm and enjoyment. The points will be tallied up and the winner of the House Cup will be announced next week.