25 Sep French at St Mary’s – a good start to the year
French at St Mary’s – a good start to the year
French lessons have resumed at Church Lane and the children are responding so well! Nursery, Y1 and Y2 are all having sessions, with classes alternating in Autumn 1 and Autumn 2. So far, Nursery have been learning different ways to say hello and goodbye in French, and to sing a simple song. Goslings and Tangerine classes have been learning to introduce themselves in French, and Buttercup have begun to learn the names of colours in French. So far, the children’s learning has been magnifique! At Rectory Gardens we have been celebrating European Day of Languages, which fell on 26th September. We discussed the incredible range of languages spoken by our pupils and had a go at some new ones too. Y3 learned a popular song in Swedish, while Y6 learned how to introduce themselves in German. Meanwhile, Y4 and Y5 have been talking about how widely French is spoken across Europe and learning which countries have French as an official language. Well done to all on a fantastic start to the Autumn term.