08 Feb News from the PSA
Parent School Association (PSA) News
PSA Upcoming Events
- Friday 24 February Church Lane Disco 6pm to 7.30pm
- Friday 3 March Rectory Gardens Disco with professional DJ & Dancer 6pm to 7.30pm
- Saturday 1 April Easter Egg Hunt at Church Lane 11am until 1pm
- Wednesday 10 May Cake Sale Church Lane after school
- Thursday 11th May Cake Sale Rectory Gardens after school
- Saturday 17 July Summer Fair 12pm to 3pm at Church Lane
- Friday 14 July End of Year BBQ 6pm to 8pm at Rectory Gardens (times tbc)
Fellow parents, we need your help. Please get involved!
We need your help!
We currently have a vacancy in the PSA:
– Co-treasurer to manage the PSA accounts along our current treasurer Javi Punzano
We are all busy parents, with busy lives. It takes a bit of extra effort to invest in a project we all believe in. The PSA is as strong as the parents’ community wants it to be.
If you think what we do is important for the school, then please get involved! Our events bring the community together. Our funds allow all those little extras that are important for our kids’ school life. The more volunteers we have, the more funds we can raise for our children and a richer a school life they will have! Please step forward and give us a much needed helping hand. We need more people involved in the PSA. Please attend our meetings, meet other friendly parents and carers, raise your opinions and suggest activities and generally help out in the organisations of the events.
Please get involved!
Thank you