08 Mar Y4 Have Had A Busy Time
Y4 Have Had A Busy Time
In English, this week we have begun our new unit of fantasy fiction, based on the book ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne. We all brought a special toy into school and shared our memories of our toy in order to inspire our writing. In maths we have begun looking at fractions. Our learning so far has included counting beyond one as fractions and understanding mixed numbers. This week we also went on a mini-beast hunt in Priory Park to understand more about habitats for our science learning, and continued discovering more about the effects of climate change in geography. We also had a fun time celebrating World Book Day by reading with the Year 6s, sharing our favourite book characters and finishing our exciting class reader ‘Groosham Grange’. Nina visited Year 4 and showed the children how communion works, in preparation for next year.