29 Jun Year 5 Paris Assembly & Rectory Gardens French Café
Posted at 17:37h
in Edition 27, Governors, Homepage, MFL, Nursery, RE, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
French Café
This week in KS2 the children had the chance to visit St Mary’s very own French café. Year Six pupils did a fantastic job of running the café, including setting it up, taking orders in French and helping to tidy away afterwards. The children from Years Three, Four and Five came and ordered a pastry and a drink entirely in French. Everyone had lots of fun!
Jennifer Williamson
Specialist French Teacher
Y5 Paris Assembly
Year 5 gave us a lovely recount of their wonderful trip to Paris – they spoke and sang beautifully as they told us about lots of their memories.