Dear Parents & Carers
We’ve come to the end of another very busy fortnight, which has had lots of lovely highlights.
Parent Consultations
Thank you to everyone who attended our Parent Consultations, over 70% of you made appointments to come in to see class teachers last week. We hope you learned a lot about how your children are progressing, and what will help them to progress even further. If you didn’t manage to make an appointment and would like a brief catch-up, please contact the offices who will help arrange a time.
Parent Survey
During the week of the consultation, we ran a Parental Survey and we will be sharing the results of this very shortly. Again, thank you to everyone who responded to this, we value your views and opinions and are always looking at how we could do better to ensure that everyone flourishes at St Mary’s.
Book Fair
We held a Book Fair during the consultations week and you bought so many books (over £900) which earned us £500 in commission to spend on books to replenish the classroom libraries. Thank you so much for helping with this. It will really make a difference.
World Book Day
I thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day and seeing the children embrace their love of books with their wonderful costumes. They spoke passionately about their favourite books and enjoyed some great activities, including sharing books with children from different classes (have a look at the separate post for lots of photos).
International Women’s Day
A group of girls from Y4 to Y6 went on a trip to the Houses of Parliament today to celebrate International Women’s Day and got to see how parliament works, and how it’s enhanced by having a full representation of people.
SIAMs Inspection
We have been notified that we will be having our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) next Thursday. This takes place approximately every 4 years and focuses on the school’s Christian visions and how these impact on the work that we do here at St Mary’s. This will include exploring the teaching of RE, collective worship, how we develop children’s spirituality and enable everyone to flourish. Do you remember what our school vision and values are? Please ask your children to explain them to you, however you can find them below for your reference.
There are lots of things coming up in the diary so please have a look at the dates below and make a note so that you do not miss anything.
Have a fabulous weekend
Jane O’Brien
Our Vision
Jesus said: “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12)
As we love, we flourish
As we flourish, we aspire
As we aspire, we achieve
Together, we are a family
The values to which we aspire are:
Friendship: We build positive relationships and enjoy time together.
Compassion: We see sadness in the world and demonstrate love by showing we care.
Hope: We have aspirations and dreams for the future and know that tomorrow can be even better than today.
Wisdom: Together we learn so that we can better understand the world around us and flourish.
Community: We are connected to God and each other. Together as a family, we know that we belong.
Endurance: To keep trying when things are difficult and have courage to try new things to help us achieve.