08 Nov Sporting Events – Autumn 2 – 2024
Sporting Events – Autumn 2 – 2024
We really need parent volunteers to continue to be able to take part in all the opportunities that are available so if you would like to volunteer (even if your child isn’t participating) please email swalker@stmarysn8.co.uk to be put onto a list.
Santa Hat Run
Despite the rather drizzly weather, the children ran in their Santa hats, this year in memory of Esme Orike, an ex-pupil, who sadly passed away from a rare form of cancer in September aged just 13. Parents/carers were asked to bring in money to either office or make a donation via the JustGiving page Santa Run For Esme
Inclusive Ice-Skating at Ally Pally
A group of children went up to Alexandra Palace on Tuesday and had a wonderful time on the ice rink. They were able to get around using the helpful snowmen and despite being a little nervous at the beginning they were all soon zooming around.
Autumn Term House Cup
It’s been a fantastic House Cup this week in PE with every child in the school competing to win house points for their house! There was so much wonderful sportsmanship, teamwork and leadership on display as well as some excellent football! We will be doing Handball in the spring and another sport in summer. The house competitions are designed to give everyone a chance to take part in an organised competition but also to develop house spirit! Every year group’s result were added up and the final standings are as follows….
Winners! – Grove 16 points
2nd Place – Eagle 15 points
3rd Place – Rectory 14 points
4th Place – Priory 12 points
Inclusive Ten-Pin Bowling
A group of children went to Finchley Hollywood Bowls to take part in an inclusive 10-pin bowling activity. They played really well and Alex was the stand-out bowler being the first child to get a half-strike, followed by a strike. The children were very proud of their medals.
Year 3-4 Mixed Football Team Show Potential!
This Friday, November 22nd, our Year 3-4 footballers competed in the mixed Haringey Football Cup. We played lots of football and really improved throughout the day – we won 2, lost 2 and drew 4 games and finished ‘mid table’. However, we showed great team spirit and had a few of the draws ended up as wins it could have been a different story. Khian and Kimberley really stood out with their energy and skill but the whole team showed talent. Well done all!
Y3-4 Football Team: Callum, Adina, Khian, Jani, Jono, Kimberley, Emmanuel, Jorgee and Riley
Thank you to Jorgee’s mum for coming along
Stefania representing Haringey at Youth Games Cross Country!
After finishing 3rd at the Haringey Cross Country Competition, Stefania was selected to represent Haringey at the Youth Games Cross Country! This is an elite event with literally the best young athletes in London – she ended up coming 53rd (around 200 competitors) – and was the 3rd best runner in Haringey. She represented herself and St Mary’s brilliantly and we’re very proud!
Netball Competition at Highgate School – St Marys Achieve Bronze at Hi-5 Netball Cup!
On 18th November our super Netball team competed in the Hi-5 Netball Cup. Some these girls have been training on Monday after school for 3-4 years so winning bronze felt like the result of many years hard work! We lost our first game but then won our 5 out of the next 6 games, drawing the other. We easily qualified for the Quarter Finals where we beat Rhodes Avenue in a netball shoot out with birthday girl Amina scoring the winning shot! We lost the semi-final to eventual winners Highgate School but won bronze by beating Weston Park in the 3rd place play off! I was supremely proud of the whole team who showed both excellent netball skills and amazing teamwork – finishing 3rd in a super competitive tournament with 16 teams was an incredible result. Well done all!
Thank you to Mme Baker for coming along
Taking part were: Krystle, Amina, Yanet, Mabel, Godsend, Oliver and Noah
St Marys are Boccia Champions again!
Senay, Alex M, Leo M, Naomi T, Eddie, Darius, Eddie, Leona and Kenny took part in a boccia competition at New River Village on Thursday 12th November. Boccia is an inclusive sport, similar to bowls. The children performed brilliantly and we’re delighted to say we brought home the Haringey Champions Cup for the second year in a row!
Haringey Tag Rugby Cup
Well done to our rugby players who competed in the Haringey Tag Rugby Cup. This tournament is run by semi-professional rugby players so it’s a great opportunity to learn the sport and play it competitively. We won our first game 3-0 against Tetherdown school and played some fantastic rugby. From this point on we went on to draw an incredible 6 games, with such short games it was difficult to score so most games ended 0-0 or 1-1. Despite that, I was impressed with how much we improved throughout the day with Maria and Alexander Page scoring all our tries and Emir being our best tagger! A brilliant experience for those involved.
Rugby Team: Noah, Kuba, Alexander, Danya, Stefania, Maria, Emir
Haringey Cycling League – Round 2
On Friday 8th November we continued our strong start to the Haringey Cycling League in Round 2 of the competition. Mr Allison noted that it was an especially strong group this round with Lily dominating her final race, Ada finishing 2nd and all other racers competing and earning points. We will continue to promote cycling at St Marys with competitive racing, Bike-Ability training and encouraging children and families to cycle to school if possible! Well done to our brave cyclists!
Team: Godsend, Godwin, Preston, Moziah-King, Charlie, Lily, Ada, Amina, Danya, Yanet